Friday, March 14


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From the moment her debut self- titled CD “Esperanza” hit stores back in May of 2008, bassist, vocalist and composer Esperanza Spalding has been on a mission.  A mission to deliver a message that would soon demand a respect from the highest of  musical authorities throughout the jazz, classical  and Latin jazz disciplines alike. 


And now with her latest release of  Chamber Music Society there would be no mistaking that Spalding’s determination  is the  source to the magic that seems to always be ever so present when she begins to create what all of us would agree… is nothing less than modern day works of art.  


Chamber Music Society speaks to our very souls. It is alive! It is sexy, beautiful and courageous – all in one mention to perfect musical harmony.     


Through her efforts in creating the music, Spalding has revitalized the world of chamber music and has brought a delightful spice to the world of jazz.   


This musical union of two very different worlds is now somehow united by way of brilliance and love of the game.   


With every single rhythmic pluck of her upright bass, and  afro Cuban voice, Spalding has again placed in our hands a true gift in her latest project to spread throughout classical and jazz communities alike.

And it is by no surprise that one of  her most notable  influences in the jazz genre is none other than  legendary saxophonist  Wayne Shorter. 


To better put all of this in proper perspective is to simply understand and agree that a colorful and compelling modern day work of imagination meets classical adventure.


Chamber Music Society would be a wonderful addition to any jazz lover’s music collection.  

The CD is a slam dunk right from the start.  And it’s confirmed again after listening to track #11 Short and Sweet which happens to be the last song.  


Esperanza Spalding continues to top the charts with her mature level of witty brilliance and impressive consistent musical ingenuity – all the while Chamber Music Society is listed as one of’s “Best Music of 2010.” 


Chamber Music Society is available in “Music Store.”  





Track Listing:


Little Fly

Knowledge Of Good And Evil

Really Very Smal


Wild is The Wind

Apple Blossom

As A Sprout

What A Friend-

Winter Sun

Inutil Paisa gem

Short And Sweet







About Author

Kim Betton is the founder and editorial director of The award winning television anchor/reporter and producer has worked in markets across the U.S. including NBC4 & USA Sky Radio in Washington, DC, WBKW-TV Buffalo, New York, FOX 13 News Memphis and KARK4 / FOX 16 News in Little Rock. Kim has a true love for good music! She is also a vocalist for smooth jazz and Broadway show tunes. Her love for music and the arts inspired her to launch this magazine. If you have a story idea email her at [email protected]. Thanks for checking us out! Enjoy!

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